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At Bonner Academy Outreach Foundation, we extend our deepest appreciation to our esteemed board members, who embody the spirit of dedication and leadership. As inheritors of the legacy of Bonner Academy Inc., their visionary guidance and unwavering commitment have propelled our organization forward, shaping our initiatives and empowering our community. With gratitude, we recognize their tireless efforts in championing our mission of inclusivity, justice, and community empowerment, and we honor their invaluable contributions in driving positive change within the Raleigh community.

Gratitude is owed to founder Linda Bonner (1989-2015) for her enduring impact on our organization.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the previous board members whose dedicated service and strategic guidance have played a pivotal role in shaping the success of our organization.

  • Ms. Anita Hines, CPA
  • Mr. Benjamin Dudley, MEd
  • Mr. Francis Dudley, MEd
  • Ms. Marcheta Riley, MEd
  • Dr. Henry Belfon, PhD
  • Atty. Conrad Airall, Attorney
  • Ms. Vivian Allison, BA Secretary
  • Ms. Tahira Abdullah, BA
  • Mr. Daniel Edwards, BA
  • Ms. Linda Burton
  • Ms. Lillie Burrell

Access to Bonner Academy transcripts is through Tony Harkness II, Karen Smith, Linda Bonner and Shandale Best.